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Villagra, P., Peña y Lillo, O., Olivares, C., Cárcamo, L., & Mardones, R. (2024). Costa Resiliente: Aportes a la gobernanza adaptativa desde la gamificación y la ciencia de datos. En: Ocampo-Melgar, A. & Urquiza, A. (Eds). Estudio de la gestión adaptativa en Chile: descubriendo elementos para la resiliencia. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, pp 273-192.

Aránguiz, R., Ramos, M., Sepúlveda, I., & Villagra, P. (2024). A new generation of tsunami inundation maps of Chilean cities: tsunami source database and probabilistic hazard analysisCoastal Engineering Journal, 1–19.

Villagra, P., Peña y Lillo, O., Ariccio, S., Bonaiuto, M., & Olivarez-Rodriguez, C. (2023). Effect of the Costa Resiliente serious game on community disaster resilience. International Journal of disaster risk reduction, 91.


Olivares, C., Villagra, P., Mardones, E., Cárcamo, L., & Jaramillo, N. (2022). Costa Resiliente: A serious game Co-Designed to Foster Resilience Thinking. Sustainability 14(24).

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Villagra, P., Quintana, C., & Figueroa, K. (2021) Effects of regulatory frameworks in community resilience: Governance and governability in the Southeastern Pacific coast of Chile. In J. M. Mendes, A. Chang-Richards, R. Jigyasu & G. Kalonji (Eds.), Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk. Amsterdam, Holanda: Elsevier.               

Ariccio, S., Petruccelli, I., Ganucci-Cancellieri, U., Quintana, C., Villagra, P., Bonaiuto, M. (2020). Loving, leaving, living: evacuation site place attachment predicts natural hazard coping behaviourJournal of Environmental Psychology, 70 (101431), 1-18.

Villagra, P., & Quintana, C. (2019). Respuesta al desastre en localidades de la costa sur de Chile susceptible a tsunamis: ¿Gobernanza o Gobernabilidad? In Martínez, C., R. Hidalgo, C. Henríquez, F. Arenas, N. Rangel & M. Contreras-López (Eds.), La zona costera en Chile: adaptación y planificación para la resiliencia. Santiago: GEOlibro N.º31. PUC. Santiago, ISBN. 978-956-14-2442-5 

Villagra, P. & Quintana, C. (2017). Disaster Governance for Community Resilience in Coastal Towns: Chilean Case Studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(9), pii: E1063.

Martínez, C., Rojas, O., Villagra, P., Aránguiz, R., & Sáez-Carrillo, K. (2017).Risk factors and perceived restoration in a town destroyed by the 2010 Chile tsunami. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 721–734. 

Herrmann, G., Villagra, P., Sepúlveda, R. & Quintana, C. (2017). Resiliencia comunitaria ante tsunami: impacto de dimensiones físicas, ambientales y sociales. En: Encinas, F., Wechsler, A., Bustamante, W. & Díaz, F. (eds). Intersecciones 2016. Ediciones ARQ: Santiago, Chile, pp.72-83.

Villagra, P., Herrmann, G., Quintana, C. & Sepúlveda, R. (2016). Resilience thinking and urban planning in a coastal environment at risks of tsunami: the case study of Mehuín, Chile. Revista de Geografía y Norte Grande, 64, 63-82.                                 

Barbosa, O., & Villagra, P. (2015).Socio-Ecological Studies in Urban and Rural Ecosystems in Chile. In R. Rozzi, S. F. Chapin, J. B. Callicott, S. T. A. Pickett, M. Power, J. J. Armesto & R. H. M. Jr. (Eds.), Earth Stewardship: linking ecology and ethics in theory and praxis (Chapter 19): Springer Verlag.

Villagra, P., & Dobbie, M. (2014). Design aspects of urban wetlands in an earthquake-prone environment. Journal of Urban Design, 19(5), 660–681.

Villagra, P., & Rojas, C. (2013).Dimensiones física y cultural de la resiliencia post-desastre: ¿Son compatibles en ciudades Chilenas? Revista Geográfica del Sur, IV(6), 85-102.

Villagra, P. (2011). What are the Big Questions for Landscape Architecture Now? Landscape Review, 14(1), 17-19

Villagra, P. (2011). Leonel Pérez y Rodrigo Hidalgo (eds.). Concepción metropolitano: evolución y desafíos Concepción. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 48, 179-182.

Felsenhardt, C., & Villagra, P. (2011). Reconstruction of the coastal urban landscape. TOPOS, 73, 123-125.

Villagra, P. (2012). Nuevos Paisajes en Jardines Botánicos: Estrategias para habitar en sintonía con la naturaleza. In M. Halpert (Ed.), Habitar el Paisaje (pp. 40-55). Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Central, Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Paisaje.


Villagra, P. & Rojas, C. (2018) The Relation Between Cities and Nature: Searching for More Sensitive Laws. The Nature of Cities.

Villagra, P. (2018) Metropolis under Emergency: A Board Game to Plan Resilient Cities while Considering Place Attachment

Villagra, P. (2015). Contribution to Global Round Table “Green Form and Function vs Green Nativism”. The Nature of Cities. 

Villagra-Islas, P. (2009). A New City in the Patagonia: Student responses to the eruption of the Chaitén Volcano in Chile. ArchitectsforPeace Newsletter, pp. 


Olivares-Rodríguez, C., Cárcamo-Ulloa, L., Villagra, P., Peña y Lillo, O., Mardones, R., & Guzmán, D. (2022). Costa Resiliente: un videojuego para educar en resiliencia comunitaria ante desastres «TISE: Nuevas ideas en Informátoca Educativa», Porto Alegre, Brasil.

Tumini, I; Villagra, (2015) Are we ready for the resilient city? “PLEA Architecture in Revolution, Bolinia, Italia.

Villagra, P; Herrmann, G; Sepúlveda, R; Gomez, K (2015) La Segunda Ciudad Post-Tsunami: Interacciones entre las Dimensiones Física, Social, Económica y Ambiental en Mehuin, Chile “Por una América Latina unida y sostenible, La Habana, Cuba.

Martínez, C; Rojas, O; Villagra, P; Aránguiz, R; Sáez, K (2015) Riesgo y Restauración Ambiental en una Localidad Devastada por El Tsunami Del 27/F De 2010 En Chile. XV Encuentro de Geógrafos de América Latina “Por una América Latina unida y sostenible, La Habana, Cuba.

Villagra, P., Bowring, J., & Ohno, R. (2014). Multiple Aspects of Disaster Vulnerability: insights for the resilient planning and design of human environments. Building with Change, New Orleans.

Villagra, P., & Dobbie, M. (2014). Integrating Psychosocial aspects into the Planning of Wetland systems in an Earthquake-Prone Environment. X Simposio Internacional Sobre Multiriesgos de la APRU “Descubriendo, investigando y aprendiendo en tiempos de desastres en la Cuenca del Pacífico. Tendiendo puentes para superar la brecha a través del trabajo académico.

Martínez, C., Rojas, O., Villagra, P., & Sáez, K. (2014). Factores de vulnerabilidad y resiliencia social post desastre: el caso de Dichato, Chile centro-sur. VIII Congreso Internacional de Ordenamiento Territorial y Ecológico, Cusco, Perú.

Martinez, C., Villagra, P., & Rojas, O. (2014). Physical, social and perceptual aspects of vulnerability for two coastal towns of Chile prone to tsunamis. Environmental Design Research Association: Building with Change, New Orleans.

Quintana, C., Muñoz, C., & Villagra, P. (2014). A resilience analysis in the Ines de Suarez neighborhood in Valdivia, Chile, using a multidimensional and multi-scale approach. X Simposio Internacional Sobre Multiriesgos de la APRU “Descubriendo, investigando y aprendiendo en tiempos de desastres en la Cuenca del Pacífico. Tendiendo puentes para superar la brecha a través del trabajo académico, Santiago, Chile.

Villagra, P., & Rojas, C. (2013)Spatial and landscape Analysis for Earthquake Recovery. Regional Conference of the International Geographic Union. Kyoto, Japan.

Villagra, P. (2013). Shared landscapes for emergency and restoration: Perceived open spaces in earthquake prone cities. Key Speaker at the International Federation of Landscape Architects. Auckland, New Zealand.

Villagra, P. (2012). Landscape change and urban resilience: the role of natural and urban landscapes in earthquake recovery of the city of Valdivia, Chile. Paper presented at the International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience, London. 15p.

Ohno, R., Xue, M., Villagra- Islas, P. & Tomiyasu,R (2012). Safe and Restorative Placemaking: Before- and Aftermeasures for Disaster Mitigation. Symposium. Conference proceedings, p.270. EDRA.

Villagra, P., & García, D. (2012). Urban wetlands as perceived restorative environments: preference and design consideration for urban resilience and earthqauke recovery. 1st Conference on Urban Susutainability and Resilience, London.

Villagra, P. (2011). De la Ecología al Paisaje Urbano: ¿Estética escénica o ecológica? Ecología y Arquitectura del Paisaje, UACh, Valdivia.

Dieterlen, S., & Villagra, P. (2011). Multicultural Landscapes: Findings from EDRA40 Workshop and Strategies for Inclusive Design Research and Practice. Make No Little Plans, Chicago.

Villagra, P. (2010). Re-growth of Vegetation, Colour and Landscape Complexity: The role of design in the interpretation of natural systems in botanical gardens. Paper presented at the 4th Global Botanic Gardens Congres Congress. Addressing Global Change: a new agenda for botanic gardens, Dublin, Ireland. 10p.

Green, R., Green, E., & Villagra, P. (2009). Relationships between Landscape Structures, Vegetative Attributes and Evolutionary Predispositions for Landscape Preferences in South East Australia. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities. 5p.

Villagra-Islas, P. (2009). Concerning fire management of ecosystems: Relationship between perceived aesthetic and ecological values in the Australian bush. Environmental Design Research Association 40th Conference (EDRA40) Re:The Ethical Design of Places.

Dieterlen, S., Kuper, R., Villagra, P., & Aman, W. L. (2009). The Multicultural Landscape: Ethical, Social, Spatial, and Aesthetic Implications of Designing for Difference. EDRA40 Re:The Ethical design of Places, Kansas City.

Villagra, P. (2007). Fire and the Perception of Dynamic Landscapes in Botanic Gardens. Conference Procedures: Natural Hazards and Natural Disturbances in Mountain Forest: Challenges and Opportunities for Silviculture.